Breaking Negative Emotional Patterns- 1

How questioning your own mental framework will help you break negative emotional patterns.

Safety in Patterns.

What you think, is what you attract. We tend to say those words in such a generic way. Thinking that if we can just change what we think about, that our lives will follow suit. The concept really is simple in theory. Hard to execute for most. Why is that? Patterns. We expect positive thinking to work like a silver bullet. It does temporarily, until problems come our way. There is no quick fix for long held patterns. There is no fast resolution for those with a negative mental framework.
The human mind does its duty to preserve our safety. Often times it covers up our issues and doesn’t allow us to be forthcoming with ourselves about our actual problems. It’s a lot easier to sweep things under the rug that we know impact others as well as our lives negatively. We’re quick to use that popular phrase, “Well that’s just the way I am”. I’ve learned that’s a keyword for lazy. Only because I used to use it myself as justification for my negative patterns.

External Validation.

When I was at the height of my own pride, I became untouchable in my own eyes. On the surface, I was finally receiving power in a life I otherwise felt powerless in. Deep down, I was freaked out that it all could come crashing down at any moment. So I’d fixate on it. Slowly i’d have to make peace with my life coming undone piece by piece. Trusted people turning on me. Relationships leaving me. Losing a position of power at a job. Losing that same job and livelihood to company closure along with everyone else employed there.
Even love for my sleek, paid off car wasn’t safe. Some guy in a fancier car decided to ram into me near a toll booth. The cycle of gaining everything to lose it all kept replaying, even after the deep rooted pride issues within me were addressed and removed. I did the work within, but why did the patterns keep repeating? Why was each loss more devastating than the one before it? I was humbled so hard that it even made me look at my own self worth. Were the patterns because of something I was unknowingly doing?

To be Continued......
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