Condemn HK Police for Excessive Force against Citizens & Call for Independent Inquiry
Hundreds of thousands of people in Hong Kong took to the street in recent months to protest amid the controversial extradition bill. In the latest rounds of the protest, the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) has been rapidly using excessive level of violence and firearms against citizens who are participating in a peaceful assembly. Confirmed firearms in use including batons, pepper spray and rubber bullets. Several unarmed participants have been reportedly beaten or shot. In some cases, we have seen the Police intentionally fired multiple tear gas in a close instance, causing chaos and danger. That being said, the Police is believed to be violating the “UN Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials.”
Now, we urge the Police Commissioner to deliver an official apology for its brutal actions against citizens immediately. We also demand The Government of Hong Kong to establish an independent commission of inquiry to investigate into this tragic matter, especially on the excessive use of force. And we would also like to ask the United Nations to publicly condemn the Hong Kong Police Force for allegedly violating UN Principles, in the sake of basic lawful rights.
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